Oh my gosh! This movie makes me SOOOOO glad i'm not in public school!
This movie strikes me as a family comedy,(duh) in witch we follow the early middle school days of Greg Hensley a.k.a "the wimpy kid". For me, what makes this movie funny is that some of the exaggerations in this movie are probably closer to the truth than one would think. For example, the "Cheese Touch". The legend of said cheese goes something like this: apparently it came out of nowhere. It just appeared on the blacktop by the field. Then one day, some kid called Darren touched it (this is where some girl screams "Darren touched the cheese!") and everyone runs away from him. The only way to get rid of the cheese touch is to pass it on to someone else. Eventually, it got passed on to a foreign student called Dieter Muller. When his family moved back to Düsseldorf Germany, he took the "Cheese Touch" with him.....
I would be surprised if there wasn't some variation of the "Cheese Touch" in every public school(in this tale there is also a mention of "Radioactive Cooties" huh?).
All in all I liked the movie, except the awful big brother. Just because someone is an older sibling, does not automatically make them a total jerk!!! I am an older sister to two sisters and a brother. I am not a jerk, I play them and read them books of their choice when they are injured(or when they're not). I like to think of myself as a decent big sister.