Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Galaxy Quest (1999)

Aliana: Hello! Once again I will review a movie.Okay......Galaxy Quest! I loved it loved it loved it!!! This is a laugh out loud Sci fi adventure movie ( and unlike the two other movies I have blogged about this one was made funny on purpose)! Galaxy Quest is very well written and very witty! It has a nice plot, ("Dragonflies have tiny necks" said mom just now) the space scenes look awesome, there is no cheesy humor (that I noticed) and I have nothing negative to say about it. I think this is a great family movie. Sorry if my review is to short butt (hee hee) check the time it was posted to see why.

Rory: I loved this movie when it first came out. I think at some point I actually owned a copy, but it probably went away 2 years ago in the great purge. Looking through Netflix I came across it and new instantly that Aliana was going to LOVE THIS. According to her post, I predicted correctly! Comedy + space adventure= Aliana loves it.
The characters are excellent. Particularly Alan Rickman as a serious "Ac-tor" feeling this whole tv show thing is beneath him and is painfully tortured by the act of having to repeat the same famous line over and over at conventions for crazed fans.
I'm sure most everyone is familiar with, or has seen this by now, but if you haven't it's basically a spoof on Star Trek, sort of, and the actors' existence after their television show, Galaxy Quest, ends. At a convention, the Captain, Jason Nesbith played by Tim Allen, is approached by some aliens, which he mistakes for costumed fans, and the comedy adventure ensues.
See it if you haven't before, it's funny! And if you haven't seen it in a while, it's good for a laugh again.

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