What a movie. It may be number three, but it still smells like number two.
Turning Ice Age into a trilogy was a big mistake! Ice Age one was brilliant, Ice Age two was decent and three is terrible!
In movie one Many was a lonesome stranger with a mysterious past, in movie three he is a Homer Simpson like ignorant father. In movie one Sid was a funny, desperate sloth who tags along with Many, in movie three he is a gender confused sloth who is trying to mother three members of a long extinct species. Diego in movie one is a ruthless smilodon (that's science talk for saber toothed cat) who's good side is exposed as he leads Many, Sid and the human baby to the rest of his pack, in movie three he is a reckless thrill seeker who only returns to the Herd when the gigantic carnivorous monster kidnaps Sid. Need I say any more? Whats that? I do? Alright then.
In movie one the plot was good enough to make anything scientifically inaccurate(of which there where few)so subtle that it took me years to notice them. The dinosaurs however, are way too much! They don't even look like real dinosaurs! They look like a paleontologist's drug hallucination! And why would a slow herbivore who is most likely really stupid be attacking a bunch of strange mammals( am referring to the scene when they all see the Dino-World for the first time). I think that's enough to lower the stars on this one...