Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Planet 51

Since the last movie I blogged about was very good, I thought that it would be appropriate to blog about a cheesy movie now.

Why is planet 51 cheesy? You might ask, if you have seen it you might think it nothing more than a nice family movie to use to distract the kids wile you do some incredibly long and boring task that is very difficult to do if you are constantly distracted by bored whiny little kids. In that case you are WRONG!!! This movie is so cheesy that I am having a hard time even comprehending how bad it is! let me give you a list of the things that really got under my skin!

1. The "humor" was amazingly cheesy.

2.The plot was mindbogglingly familiar with that pathetic "human coming to an aliens planet" twist. Why pathetic? I see this as a sign that the movie writers were running out of ideas and one of them said " let's take an incredibly old and predictable plot that everyone has seen, tweak it here and there and make a movie out of it!" and somehow I get the feeling that that was soon followed by someone else saying "That is the perfect way to squeeze out what little money people have left into our bank accounts so I can finally buy all of those incredibly unnecessary and expensive things that I want."

3. I know that this is a bit harsh, but NOTHING in that movie was even vaguely scientifically possible! Examples: Aliens and humans speaking exactly the same language, An ordinary chemical space craft going all the way to another solar system in enough time so the astronaut wasn't dead by the time he got there,The atmosphere and gravity is similar enough to ours that an astronaut can survive without a space suit and the fact that the aliens were identical to humans in culture, language and are VERY similar to humans in physiology( think about it for a sec, how many different types of life could be out there and what are the chances of a species that similar to us?). To make a long blog short, I think this movie is worse than hot roasted poop! smell you later!

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