First of all, this is probably not the Journey to the Center of the Earth movie you are thinking about, I haven't seen the other one but I know that this one was Directed by T.J. Scott(only because I looked it up, I don't keep track of these things otherwise) and it's a terrible movie.
I have tried to read "Lost World" and couldn't get past the first page without almost falling asleep, I tried "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" and I made it to chapter two maybe? I couldn't tell, a bunch of subs where sinking and maybe a sea thing was responsible. I expected the same result from the book that this movie is based on and named after, I now regret that and wish I had never seen this movie because it is a huge wast of time to watch and thus a waste of time and money to make.
You are probably tired of my lists by now. Lists are like the spark notes of my rants about bad movies, that's why I use them so much. Here's a list of why the movie stinks worse than a pile of feces.
1. It begins with obnoxiously loud pirate music playing while the camera with a yellow filter that's way too yellow pans over a table with a bunch of exploring/paleontologist gear(a compass, a telescope, rope, a journal, a pick, a fossil brush and a bunch of other junk) that apparently someone just dropped on the table without any thought on how they could use this table for anything besides being a place to keep a mess. Instead of doing that they could have showed the inside of a museum, a book on prehistoric earth, some articles, something that could give you a gist of the plot besides the fact that there will be exploring, there might be a cave and the main characters do not clean up after themselves.
2. We spend forever following these super boring people do something that has to do with finding this lady's husband when he's been gone for years. Eventually they find a guy that will lead them to the mine where the husband was last seen. Oh, and the guy who is leading them to the mine is the brother of the guy who lead the husband to the mine.
3. On arriving to the center of the Earth, first the lady drinks the water of the lake without any
concern for:bacteria, spores, dirt, or animal feces. Then again, this takes place in the time when bathes where considered unsanitary and tin nipples on bottles where thought to be good for babies. After making a quick observation that the water is "slightly warm and salty" she starts striping down and goes for a swim FOR NO REASON WHATSOEVER! You said yourself that the lake was slightly warm and salty, for all you know that could be poison, bacteria or even urine. Oh, and since you also said that this place was unchanged since prehistoric times you might want to think about not feeding offering yourself up to any creature swimming around in the very big and deep pee lake.
4. When they finally find the lady's husband(I just remembered that his name is Edward) he acts like a complete A-hole to everyone because he's spent the last few years being God to a tribe of primitive people and hanging around with the priestess. Then when he loses his God-hood because he bled in front of anyone(if that sounded like I said he had a Period that's not what I meant, he got a minor cut on his hand)everybody has to abandon the center of the Earth even though the ex-God could have just talked to them and worked out a compromise(We will apologize then go away forever if you don't kill us).
5. It ends the same way it began. With obnoxiously loud pirate music and messy cluttered table.
The movie blows, that's what I'm trying to say. Also the only prehistoric beasts in the entire movie was a flock of pterodactyls and some giant tentacles I can only assume where part of a larger animal.
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